A subject I hold very dear to my heart is the subject of children's health. In this ever increasingly busy world it can become difficult for some to manage the tasks of daily living, work, stress and children all at the same time and this is...

For a number of years of my life I experienced what many people now call Anxiety. It became the handbrake in my life. I used to love playing sports but when it came to playing in front of people my body began to shake , my...

Throughout my life I have witnessed hundreds if not thousands of people mostly children being labelled with words that most do not even understand. In my experience, to call a person especially a child by anything but his or her own name is not only...

Another very common feeling experienced by many people in the world today is the feeling of "depression". There are countless books, videos, websites and research dedicated to this feeling by many of the worlds leading specialists and celebrities. There are numerous medications, supplements and therapies out...

Chronic Fatigue, M.E (Myalgic Encephalopathy) , Fibromyalgia, Tiredness, Burnout, No Energy, Exhausted etc etc etc...

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Does it seem like there just isn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? You’re exhausted, emotional, can’t sleep and everything is going the wrong way. Well you’re not alone. The majority of people I work with feel this...

How many times have you heard of couples trying so hard for so long to get pregnant only to be disappointed when it doesn't work out the way they planned? They can become so upset, confused and disheartened that they decide to stop trying. It is...

One of the most common complaints in modern society today is the dreaded "Back Pain" I have seen thousands of people all of whom have symptoms ranging from a "slight twinge" to "excruciating back pain". Each person has their own story about what they think the...

Do you ever feel lost, Like you don’t fit in, Like a Lost soul? You’re not alone and more importantly you're not lost. So many times I see people who tell me they feel like a “lost soul”. I often find that these very people are those...

Ask yourself this… What is the kind of weight you are trying to lose? Is your goal to lose weight or to lose weight to feel better about yourself? Yes, there is a difference. Is it the physical weight of your material body or is it the emotional...