04 May Overwhelmed
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Does it seem like there just isn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? You’re exhausted, emotional, can’t sleep and everything is going the wrong way. Well you’re not alone. The majority of people I work with feel this way and once they understand the deeper workings of their mind and body they no longer wonder why.
If you can imagine your life like an olympic sized swimming pool and every day you live you remove one teaspoon of water from that pool, well this is like the physical body, the conscious part.
From this picture we can safely say it would take a very long time to empty that pool, right?
Now imagine that every day you take out one teaspoon of water, the hole at the bottom of the pool that you never knew was there leaked one litre of water per day unknown to you.
The hole in the bottom of the pool represents where the unconscious parts of it leak out and drain our energy. This is where all the deep seated emotions, traumas in life, fears and worries reside.
This is why most people feel overwhelmed. They physically aren’t doing enough to account for being overwhelmed but when the unconscious mind is so busy trying to process everything else the energy runs out and life begins to become a struggle. Everything gets on top of us and this is when it looks like everything else starts to go wrong.
The issue here is that the unconscious mind is constantly working and does exactly what it is instructed to do but most of us are not even aware of what it is, not to mention what it is doing. So when we have emotions and worries to process, the mind does so twenty four hours a day even when we sleep. This is why so many people wake up tired as their minds are still working overtime all night long as they sleep.
This prevents the brain from relaxing into a deep state of delta sleep leaving them exhausted when they wake in the morning.
Can you now see why your swimming pool might be getting empty. Can you now see why you’re feeling overwhelmed, fed up and tired all the time?
When you uncover what is going on within that deeper part of your mind and begin to process that information you start to get your power back. It is akin to somebody repairing that hole in your swimming pool and filling it up with new fresh water again.
Just remember it’s never just what you are doing physically but what you are doing unconsciously that determines how your body and life functions.
It’s not always what we know but we don’t yet know we know that holds us back.