•   From my experience one of the main reasons that we as humans have what we call “issues” in our lives is due to becoming separated from our true authentic self, our soul. Your soul or that spark of divinity that you are is what......

  • There are a number of ways a soul can become separated from the Self. Some of these include: Pre-Birth Conceptional trauma from parents and/or ancestors. Environmental stress in utero Abortion Loss of a womb twin Unconscious emotional shock in utero Repressed Ancestral trauma through parents......

  • The symptoms of Soul Separation can be Infinite, so to try and locate the cause by focusing on any one or any number of these symptoms will only perpetuate the symptoms and create even more separation between your soul and the self. The symptoms of......

  •   A very delicate and sensitive area that is rarely spoken about openly and processed effectively is the area around the loss of a wombtwin, miscarriage and abortion. As difficult as it is to not only try come to terms with personally it can be......