Claire Purcell – Tipperary

For the past 4 years I have suffered with severe joint pain, Osteoporosis and Chronic fatigue, then I was introduced to Jeff. I heard about him through a family member who had only amazing things to say about him and his work. He made me feel at ease straight

Caitriona Talty – Clare

Baby’s sleeping issues My name is Caitriona Talty and I have two little girls, Ella Mae 4 years old and Anna 18 months old. I decided to visit Jeff when Ella Mae was 3 years old as she was experiencing long sleepless nights due to night terrors and it was getting more difficult to handle now as I also had a small baby whom didn’t sleep either, I was ready to try anything! From the very minute Ella Mae and I sat in the room with Jeff I noticed an instant difference in Ella Mae and her behavior as she would usually be glued to my leg around a

 Norman Stafford – Clare

‘Jeff McInerney, I salute you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with the chronic tinnitus I have been enduring for a very long time. To my amazement you managed to achieve this result while both of us were...

Cathy Enright – Limerick

My name is Cathy and I would like to tell you how Jeff changed my life.  I started having minor back pain nineteen years ago.  At the time I went to a Chiropractor for several weeks – no good, I tried a tens machine – no good, I also had steroid injections – no good.  I just had to learn to live with it.  It wasn’t major pain but it did prevent me from walking any significant distances. Window Shopping or standing for long periods of time even Concerts and social events were now an impossibility to

 Nicola Chaplin – Broadford

Jeff is our hero and I could not imagine my life had I not met him. I am so lucky to be able to say that no matter if he’s on a mountain on the other side of the world any time me or my son Luke have needed him he’s been there for us like he’s been there for so many people all over the world. On numerous occasions when either myself or Luke have been sick I have contacted him and without fail he gets us back on

Tara McGloughlin – Clare

I had lost my way for a while, overwhelmed by everything life threw at me and it was very very hard. I would just put a smile on so people thought I was happy but overtime my smile got weaker. One of my closest friends suggested that I go see Jeff and by the time I left he had taught me how to smile again. He showed me how to be happy with myself again. I haven’t looked back since that day and he has changed how I see the challenging but beautiful world we live in. A truly amazing human Jeff is that I cannot thank enough for all his help. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone out there that needs

Emma Bouchard – Canada

Almost 20 years of depression, anxiety and anger were affecting me physically and mentally and I was beginning to wonder if I would ever be happy.   I saw a post online about Jeff being in Canada and his work so I decided to go and see him. The moment I met him I felt immediately at ease. Once he began speaking things really started to make sense. He was able to detect a number of events in my life that I had hardly given a moment’s notice to and pinpointed them as the reasons why I felt the way I

Marie – Mayo

I had my first correction from Jeff on Monday November 17th 2014 and all I can say is life has been very different since… I had been carrying several ‘stones’ of emotional weight for a long time. Life was grey and quite difficult at times. My ability to really ‘feel’ anything was challenged a lot of the time. I worked on auto pilot because I didn’t know any better… My heart energy was covered over by a dark cloud. I had suppressed feelings of sadness, shame, loneliness and self-loathing for a very long time. Prior to seeing Jeff I had attended many treatments including acupuncture,

Lorraine and Brian – Limerick

My four year old son’s behavior had been getting more extreme by the day – temper tantrums, insecurity, over cautious and regular night terrors. When he wanted to hurt himself having being reprimanded for being naughty. I knew I had to take

Kathleen Stack – Kerry

In March 2012 I presented to the doctor with extreme tiredness and feelings of nausea.  My liver function results revealed a virus in the liver.  The following October it appeared to trigger an autoimmune condition and premature menopause.  The hope was that this condition would “burn out” and the medication would mask the symptoms.  A year later,   I met Jeff at a time when medicine was finding it difficult to treat my symptoms.  The prescribed drugs exacerbated my condition and I believed the diagnosis was too vague despite visiting three different specialists.  I refused to take any further treatment without a definite diagnosis and I took sick leave from work to