06 May Why do I feel depressed?
Another very common feeling experienced by many people in the world today is the feeling of “depression”.
There are countless books, videos, websites and research dedicated to this feeling by many of the worlds leading specialists and celebrities. There are numerous medications, supplements and therapies out there that claim to treat depression and a lot of them do for thousands of people.
It is my opinion however that we need to seek the reasons as to why a person feels depressed. From what I have experienced is that the majority of the systems of the world today devote all their attention and energy to the “condition” when ultimately it should be on the “reason for the condition”
Through my experience with the many people I have worked with, what has become apparent is that it is not a treatment that we need for depression but an understanding as to the purpose for it in our lives.
If we wish to treat an emotion we must work with it emotionally.
Through this understanding I have witnessed many people overcome these feelings and regain control of their lives again.
As I say to many of my clients, “the next time your television breaks down try applying a chemical to the screen and see how it helps”
What I mean by this is that an electrical issue cannot be corrected effectively with a chemical, it must be dealt with electrically. So if your feelings of depression happen to be electrical or emotional in nature then it would make sense to begin to look more closely at the electrical / energetic and emotional aspects of your life.
I would like to invite you to answer this question for yourself.
Are you depressed OR do you feel the feeling of depression?
You see both of these perspectives mean the exact same thing. The difference however only exists when we personalize.
If I say “I am depressed” it means that depressed is something I am. It is not separate from me and thus cannot be gotten rid of.
However when I say the same thing another way the result is quite different,
“I am feeling the feeling of depression” now the feeling is something separate from who I am and can now be processed.
For what reason do you believe the feeling of depression is required in your life?
Does it serve you in any way?
We must also remember that feelings are natural and they are meant to be felt. Even the depressive ones as they too hold very important information about our environment and inner state of being.
So whatever you may be feeling it is important to know that you are feeling exactly how you should be feeling right now.
How you feel or how you should feel cannot be told to you.
You feel what you feel for a reason, understanding these reasons is the key to changing the feeling.
By asking ourselves if a feeling we are experiencing serves us we are now identifying it as something we have the ability to either pay attention to or to move our attention elsewhere and allow it to subside.
When a person asks for help, what they are looking for is help.
So when the person seeking that help gets nothing but what they know already how is that helping them?
If I am feeling depressed and the person I look to for help tells me that I am depressed and recommends I take medication. I know that this will not help me with understanding where this feeling is coming from and what to do to change it.
Often the information we get when looking for help is not enough and people feeling depressed need the correct information, explanations and treatments to help them feel themselves again.
In order for a person to achieve something they have never achieved before they must be willing to do things they have never done before. So is it possible that the answers you are looking for are on another level?
If it’s a feeling of depression you have then is it possible that the answer lies on a feeling level? This level is also known as your energy body.
Feeling healthy and happy within oneself is something that the majority of people in the world today have difficulty feeling.
The reason for this is what they are looking for cannot be found in someone or something else. It is within you.
The answer is, was and always will be you.
The key to feeling happy is Love. It’s that simple. We spend our lives looking for love and looking to be loved by someone or something else other than ourselves but the love we first need to acquire is our own, what society is missing is the language of love.
Love is a feeling. A person must love themselves in order for that feeling to emanate into the world to attract another that feels the same about themselves. When these two compatible energies meet they grow and love blossoms.
If you are missing your own love in your own heart another person can never fill that void as it is your love that is required.
When a person unconsciously feels that they are not loved the energy in that person becomes suppressed you could even call it being “de-pressed”.
If you could find where and for what reason your love has become suppressed and get that back there would be no reason for you to feel de-pressed anymore.
I have met thousands of people all over the world who have trusted me enough to ask me for my help on this matter and when these people understand the reasons why they are not being or feeling loved they begin to feel a sense of aliveness within themselves again.
There is no drug, book or supplement on earth that can replace the feeling of love in a persons heart.
So why settle for anything less than the full power and awareness of your own love. It is yours and it is always there to be reunited with.