10 Mar Marie – Mayo
I had my first correction from Jeff on Monday November 17th 2014 and all I can say is life has been very different since… I had been carrying several ‘stones’ of emotional weight for a long time. Life was grey and quite difficult at times. My ability to really ‘feel’ anything was challenged a lot of the time. I worked on auto pilot because I didn’t know any better… My heart energy was covered over by a dark cloud. I had suppressed feelings of sadness, shame, loneliness and self-loathing for a very long time. Prior to seeing Jeff I had attended many treatments including acupuncture,panchkarma in India, counselling… etc.etc., all of these were of benefit to me but none of them truly ‘unlocked’ my self-healing potential or really dug deep enough to find the root cause of my problem. Within about half an hour with Jeff my whole life changed. He was able to identify very specifically the source of all of my grievances and subsequently unlocked and corrected them. The lightness I felt immediately was like no other. I will never forget it and 2 years on that same lightness remains. I have finally found contentment within my own self. Finally unlocked my own latent potential. And the best part is, that this is only the beginning of the journey. I have since gone on and studied this line of work and have completed my training. The thought of helping others the way Jeff has helped me brings me great comfort and tremendous ‘job satisfaction’… There are simply not enough words to express how I feel, so I thank you Jeff, you released me from my own prison, you freed me, to help me see that I am of value, and not only to myself but to others too..